


量子资源网 提供本资源 <>  One of the most influential horror films of all time, Mario Bava's A BAY OF BLOOD (aka TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE) is the surting artery from which all future slasher films would flow. When criled Countess Federica is murdered at her isolated mansion, a gruesome battle ensues to secure the rights to her valuable roerty around the bay. Everyone, from illegitimate children to shady real estate agents, stakes a claim, only to be killed in increasingly bizarre ways, from simle shootings to imalement by fishing sear. The makeu effects are by Carlo Rambaldi (who would later earn Oscars for his work on ALIEN). Initially scorned uon its original release because of its grahic violence, A BAY OF BLOOD eventually became a trendsetter, the model slasher film that FRIDAY THE 13TH would emulate nearly a decade later.